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men's names in Bedfordshire

Findings are based on information from the 1851 census: selecting only men who were born 1740-1820, and who were living in Bedfordshire in 1851. Total number of individuals included is 20 066.

The five most common names were:

William 19.6%
John 16.8%
Thomas 12.0%
James 10.1%
George 6.3%

Over half of the men were called William, John, Thomas or James.

Over two-thirds of the men were called William, John, Thomas, James, George or Joseph.

3.0% (597) of the men had unusual names--those which were shared by 5 or fewer individuals. A handful of these appeared to be foreign immigrant names (Johannes, Francois), or women who had accidently been marked as male on the census return (Catherine, Fanny).

George; Joseph12.1%
Samuel; Richard; Charles; Robert; Henry12.8%
Edward; Daniel; David; Benjamin; Jonathan; Francis; Isaac; Matthew; Mary; Abraham; Frederick; Elizabeth; Ann8.0%
Peter; Steven; Phillip; Edmund; Jeremiah; Jesse; Jacob; Sarah; Ebenezer; Alfred; Mark; Michael; Nathanial; Joel; Joshua; Job; Levi; Stephen; Soloman; Eli; Timothy; Christopher; Reuben; Jabez; Abel; Alexander; Amos; Jaspar; Hugh; Luke; Josiah; Martha; Hannah; Ambrose; Simon; Lewis; Walter; Barnard; Jane; Jonas; Ephraim; Laurence; Edwin; Andrew; Rebecca; Humphrey; Eliza; Sophia; Bartholomew; Leonard; Caleb; Allen; Ezekiel; Anthony; Norman; Aaron; Martin; Ruben; Gabriel; Oliver; Cornelius; Maria; Moses; Sam; Arthur; Dennis; Elijha; Simeon; Elisha; Enoch5.6%
shared by 5 people or fewer3.0%

All names, ranked with the most popular first.

Names \ year born1740-17591760-17791780-17991800-1820Total
Joseph- 583437691170
Samuel- 37232465734
Richard- 44163301508
Charles- 1190368469
Robert- 27129284440
Henry- 12105299416
David- 937122168
Benjamin- 950108167
Francis- 64071117
Isaac- 5236694
Matthew- 4205781
Mary- 8333071
Frederick- 265967
Elizabeth- 10332366
Ann- 8251750
Peter- 293546
Steven- 8- 3745
Phillip- 2192344
Edmund- - 113243
Jeremiah- 1152440
Jesse- - 92938
Jacob- 1132337
Sarah- 3161433
Ebenezer- - 32629
Alfred- - 22527
Mark- - 91625
Michael- 3101124
Nathanial- 271423
Joel- - 31922
Joshua- 151521
Job- 311620
Levi- - 21820
Stephen- - 20- 20
Soloman- 19919
Eli- - 41519
Timothy- 36918
Christopher- 141318
Reuben- - 51318
Jabez- - 31518
Abel- - 21618
Alexander- 121417
Jaspar- 1- 1516
Hugh- - 9615
Luke- - 6915
Josiah- - 21214
Martha- 26513
Hannah- - 6713
Ambrose- 32813
Simon- 14813
Lewis- 13913
Walter- - 21113
Jane; Jonas- 2192 x 12
Barnard- 13812
Ephraim- - 11112
Laurence- - 5611
Edwin- - 2911
Andrew- - 5510
Rebecca- 3249
Humphrey- 2- 79
Eliza- 1- 89
Sophia- 1438
Bartholomew- 1348
Leonard- 2158
Caleb- 1168
Allen- - 178
Martin; Ruben- - 252 x 7
Oliver- - - 77
Gabriel- - 167
Aaron- 1157
Anthony- - 347
Norman- 1247
Ezekiel- 1337
Cornelius; Maria; Sam- - 333 x 6
Dennis; Elijha; Simeon- - 153 x 6
Elisha; Enoch- - - 62 x 6
Arthur- 1146
Moses- 1236
Adam; Catherine; Janes- - 233 x 5
Elias; Jeffery; Owen- - 143 x 5
Fred; Titus- - - 52 x 5
Giles; Roger- 1132 x 5
Nicholas- 2125
Patrick- 1- 45
Josh- - 5- 5
Ezra; Harry; Shadrack;Vincent- - - 44 x 4
Bennet; Noah; Valentine- 1- 33 x 4
Austin; Caroline- - 222 x 4
Fanny; Jonah- - 132 x 4
Lucy; Tom- 1122 x 4
Emanuel- - - 54
Felix- 2114
Esau- 1113
Charlotte; Clark; Dann; Ellis; Harriett; Jose- - 126 x 3
Ekins; Esther; Paul; Susan- - 214 x 3
Archibald; Emery; Gilbert- - - 33 x 3
Oliver- - 3- 3
Alice; Amelia; Amran; Ben; Bernard; Brook; Fairy; Frank; Griffith; Lydia; Manning; Nathan; Newland; Ralph; Silas; Zachariah- - 1116 x 2
Dane; Denbigh; Eben; Emma; Evan; Hezekiah; Johnson; Miles; Rowland; Sherman; Summer; Tamer; Theomas; Will- - - 214 x 2
Anna; Gregory; Henning; Ruddy; Uriah- - 2- 5 x 2
Absolem; Maximilian; Semon; Susannah- 11- 4 x 2
Boston; Godfrey; Jan- 1- 13 x 2
Adelphia; Ablion; Alcah; Ambridge; Amon; Aniaziak; Anrell; Baaz; Barllet; Barnet; Beaumont; Belford; Bletsoe; Bonner; Bradford; Brice; Burges; Burnis; Cabeb; Calder; Carrington; Celia; Coats; Cornculia; Couelhus; Dale; Dancan; Dank; Darrel; Daw; Dawid; Dollier; Dorcas; Eden; Edith; Eduard; Egbert; Egram; Elenozer; Elgar; Eliab; Eliezer; Elipherz; Ellen; Elmezar; Esay; Essye; Eston; Faber; Fallie; Favell; Feilding; Feremiah; Franas; Francois; Frannie; Fredick; Freeman; Gawel; Gerge; German; Gibon; Gill; Glaston; Gresham; Gustarris; Gustavas; Hamlet; Hampden; Hanomt; Harvey; Hawkins; Hay; Heiey; Heltu; Hemmam; Heny; Herbert; Hermes; Hervey; Hillyard; Hing; Honor; Horatis; Horaton; Hosheb; Houghton; Ind; Iola; Irarath; Jaliez; Jameel; Jancsi; Jasse; Jerome; Jessa; Jethro; Johannes; Joll; Jovry; Julia; Karbon; Kashabnah; Keich; Keren; Kezia; Kippist; Krontague; Kurada; Laban; Lammuel; Lavinia; Leke; Lemuel; Len; Lenny; Leomia; Levia; Levit; Levy; Lionel; Litchfield; Lomas; Lot; Louisa; Love; Lovell; Lowman; Marcus; Marvell; Maurice; May; Mercer; Mercy; Miller; Mitten; Mois; Morris; Naomi; Newman; Nimrod; Obed; Octarins; Offspring; Olney; Paris; Pearson; Peilard; Pepe; Peregrine; Peremiah; Phares; Phelps; Pho; Powell; Quarton; Ramond; Reelord; Refford; Rehobson; Retcharce; Rheda; Rherban; Rhoda; Rickard; Rico; Righases; Rubeon; Ruth; Salsae; Sami; Sammie; Sampson; Sandefer; Sanderson; Sasha; Saud; Sheabe; Sherebiah; Sherrack; Sibley; Sichert; Silbop; Silvester; Soppia; Spencer; Steff; Swiffia; Tapthab; Thad; Theophilus; Timmy; Toel; Tower; Uezekiah; Ulysses; Uriah; Vere; Warlow; Warner; Webb; Wellm; West; Westly; Wilkin; Winefred; Wood; Woodwood; Wright; Wyant; Wyles; Zebulon- - - 1212 x 1
Abbert; Alex; Ammiel; Anbrode; Anselm; Barnaby; Bartlett; Betsy; Bias; Blyth; Chaes; Christian; Clayton; Crowden; Cuin; Danie; Danzie; Dinah; Eagram; Edgar; Elisha; Elsannal; Ezekit; Farnel; Florence; Flower; Flowkins; Folgar; Fosberry; Frak; Franklin; Geary; Grace; Guy; Hamilton; Hampson; Haton; Hephizabah; Hollingworth; Holton; Hores; Howard; Ireland; Isabella; Jackarea; Jeremy; Judith; Jules; Key; King; Kitty; Lacriah; Lamuen; Lancelot; Lannie; Lavender; Lechariah; Lefbus; Lemon; Letitia; Loe; Lonathan; Lounds; Lynwood; Mack; Mank; Marianne; Marshall; Mathias; Maydwell; Mayey; Millard; Mother; Moulford; Nehemiah; Norfolk; Norris; Odila; Powles; Rachel; Rage; Reed; Reoc; Reod; Rosaline; Sally; Sames; Sannie; Sear; Seward; Simpson; St John; Sussel; Sydney; Temperance; Theed; Thimas; Thoman; Tillson; Tingey; Tula; Walker; Wallas; Whitbread; Wilder; Wilkinson; Willis; Wray; Zilpah- - 1- 109 x 1
Aurea; Author; Bryan; Crawley; Donell; Downam; Eusebius; Hanble; Ive; Jod; Justius; Manhua; Mannister; Norbert; Phillis; Rucker; Salome; Siah; Ursbey; Ustis; Warner; Yarrob- 1- - 22 x 1

My analysis is presented with thanks to ancestry.co.uk whose free online access to basic 1851 census data allowed me to complete this study.