The Thesaurus of the Vulgar Tongue, created in 2006, from the entries in the third edition of the Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1796.
- [[thesaurus--sex|sex]]
- prostitution and mistresses
- female prostitutes, whores and mistresses
- [[thesaurus--prostitutes in general|prostitutes in general]]
- [[thesaurus--prostitutes working out of a house|prostitutes working out of a house]]
- [[thesaurus--courtesans|courtesans]]
- [[thesaurus--common prostitutes|common prostitutes]]
- [[thesaurus--whores in general|whores in general]]
- [[thesaurus--specific types of whores|specific types of whores]]
- [[thesaurus--common whores|common whores]]
- [[thesaurus--particularly undesirable prostitutes and whores|particularly undesirable prostitutes and whores]]
- [[thesaurus--infected prostitutes and whores|infected prostitutes and whores]]
- [[thesaurus--mistresses|mistresses]]
- [[thesaurus--easy women|easy women]]
- [[thesaurus--miscellaneous loose women and prostitutes|miscellaneous loose women and prostitutes]]
- [[thesaurus--male prostitutes|male prostitutes]]
- [[thesaurus--one who uses prostitutes|one who uses prostitutes]]
- relating to prostitution
- [[thesaurus--general terms surrounding prostitution|general terms surrounding prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--a prostitute's fees|a prostitute's fees]]
- [[thesaurus--puns about prostitution|puns about prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--anecdotes and jokes about prostitution|anecdotes and jokes about prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--venereal disease and protection|venereal disease and protection]]
- [[thesaurus--punishments and tricks relating to prostitution|punishments and tricks relating to prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--marriage and reproduction of mistresses and prostitutes|marriage and reproduction of mistresses and prostitutes]]
- bawds, pimps and bawdy houses
- people working as bawds, pimps, etc
- [[thesaurus--bawds|bawds]]
- [[thesaurus--pimps|pimps]]
- [[thesaurus--bawdy house bullies|bawdy house bullies]]
- locations and practices of bawds, pimps, etc
- [[thesaurus--bawdy houses|bawdy houses]]
- [[thesaurus--bawdy house practices|bawdy house practices]]
- [[thesaurus--areas known for bawdy houses and prostitution|areas known for bawdy houses and prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--references in definitions to areas known for prostitution|references in definitions to areas known for prostitution]]
- [[thesaurus--adultery|adultery]]