The Oyster Girl--a song
From ''The bacchanalian magazine; and Cyprian enchantress'', pp22-3, 1793. :: [ . . .
2K - last updated 2005-12-18 13:49 UTC by Gemma
all songs
<include "Auld Robin Gray--a song"> ---- <include "The Bladish Briton--a song"> ---- <include . . . "On Friendship--a song"> ---- <include "The Oyster Girl--a song"> ---- <include "Roast . . .
2K - last updated 2005-12-18 15:46 UTC by Gemma
list of all songs
* [[Auld Robin Gray--a song|Auld Robin Gray]] * [[The Bladish Briton--a song|The Bladish Briton]] * [[British . . . * [[On Friendship--a song|On Friendship]] * [[The Oyster Girl--a song|The Oyster Girl]] * [[Roast . . .
2K - last updated 2005-12-18 15:44 UTC by Gemma
rude and crude songs
<include "The Bladish Briton--a song"> ---- <include "The Fashionable That--a song"> ---- . . . Natural Plough--a song"> ---- <include "The Oyster Girl--a song"> ---- <include "The . . .
1K - last updated 2005-12-18 14:02 UTC by Gemma
4 pages found.